What is the most googled website in the world?

Search engines are the most used websites on the internet and it’s no surprise that the most searched website in the world is one of the most popular on the web. While there are numerous contenders vying for the top spot, only one is the true champion: Google.

Google is the most used search engine, receiving an estimated two trillion searches per year. It also dominates the search engine market, boasting a market share of over 90%. YouTube follows closely behind as the second most searched website in the world. With over one billion searches per day, it is the second most visited website and is owned by Google.

Facebook comes in at third place, receiving over 500 million searches per day and being the third most visited website. It is the world’s most popular social networking site and has become a major part of many people’s lives. Amazon, the fourth most searched website in the world, gets over 300 million searches per day and is the fourth most visited site.

It’s clear that Google, YouTube, Facebook and Amazon are the most popular websites on the internet and will remain so for many years to come.

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