5 Best Text Editors for Mac in 2019 (Free)

Best Text Editors for Mac in 2019 – “My pen and I are smarter than I.” Can you guess who said it? That’s less important for now. What necessary here is the acknowledgment that it’s true in almost every aspect as it highlights the necessity of having the right tools.

You can relate to it if you’re a programmer or a writer or anyone who is in ardent need of a text editor. We understand you. A good text editor not just has the potential to make your life easier, it can improve your performance and make you more productive in work.

Best Text Editors for Mac in 2019

There are many people who use Text Editors for their work. So here we are sharing some best Text Editors for Mac in 2019.


Scrivener tops our list for one prominent reason: it’s entirely minimalist. There are times when you need extra focus as you’re writing a story for the creative writing class or the thesis for your final year project. Scrivener is the best choice as it comes with a sleek design that allows you to concentrate on what you’re writing and not what is written on the screen.

The text highlights, pop-ups, suggestion and advertisements can be annoying when the deadlines are falling. The developers of Scrivener kept it on mind when they developed it. Moreover, it comes with a meticulous tutorial that helps you master it to the cost of a few hours.


Atom is free of cost autonomous text editor that has HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular Node and electron beneath it. It uses electron to make itself easy-to-use. One of the setbacks of many text editors is that they compromise their graphical user interface for functionality. It’s untrue in case of Atom as it offers plenty of funky themes and cool background that enhances coding experience.

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Atom comes with intrinsic connectivity to keep your code manageable and easy to navigate. You can also add countless libraries to proliferate its features. Last but not the least, Atom is an open source software that implies that you can configure it according to your taste by changing a few lines of codes here and there.

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is one of the most popular text editors widely used by millions of Mac users. It has a robust application programming interface (API) that provides easy navigation, syntax highlights and multiple selection methods.

The Goto Anything feature in sublime text allows a user to search a word, line, the symbol through which they can move to it without having to scroll through the entire article. It’s also smartly designed to contextualize sentences which helps in error detection and proofreading.


If you’re a coding enthusiast and often search for a text editor that fulfills all your needs, then Brackets is the one you’re looking for. It’s open-source cross-platform software that lets you debug your code as the output screen—a web page in a browser—dynamically changes in the run time. Unlike other text editors where you’ve to compile the code every time you have to run, Brackets predicts what your piece of code is likely to do next as it’s backend by Node.js.

It supports up to 38 file formats and provides functionalities like split-screen, text-highlights, and importing images without having to open Adobe Photoshop. It uses a feature called PSD lens to do that.

Visual Studio Code

Visual studio—one of the Microsoft classic—is a powerful cross-platform text editor that supports more than twenty-eight languages. Its keyboard-centric approach helps in debugging the code since it’s bundled with a module for debugging support.

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Visual Studio Code also supports GitControl, and auto-correction of functions and data types through the feature called IntelliSense. Along with a huge library and countless extensions, it’s designed to be easily in compliance with your workflow. Some common add-ons are Angular Essentials, Sublime Text Keymap, Azure Storage, Vim, and Debugger for Chrome. Even though adding plenty of extensions of having to make it robust could be tedious, Visual Studio code has what it’s to be called a programmer’s choice.

Final Thoughts

Each of the tools has their own pros and cons. However, on the most fundamental level, they are going to be a useful addition to your software-list.  For the record, Albert Einstein said it.

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